Apartamentos Puente La Reina rules



- Check-in time is from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. If you are going to arrive later, let us know beforehand, there is no problem.
- Departure time is before 11:00 am.


- Payment of 40% of the total when making the reservation.
- Payment of the remaining 60% 10 days before entry.


- By giving notice within 10 days, the amount delivered to date is returned.
- By giving less than 10 days' notice, if the apartment is reserved under the same conditions, the entire amount will be refunded. If reserved under lower conditions, the proportional part is returned.


We have put a lot of enthusiasm and effort into ensuring that you are comfortable during your stay and that is why we also hope that you will take care of the house as if it were yours.

The apartment is always rented complete.

Parties that disturb the peace and tranquility of the neighbors are not allowed.

Call us
679 403 041

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